Smart goal setting

Hi guys! Today i will be writing about some smart goals that i’ve made for myself


A smart goal, is A goal that is 1, specific 2, you have to be able to realize when you have reached your goal 3, it has to be doable 4, it has to be relevent to your life and 5. you have to know how long it will take you to acchive this goal.


My S.M.A.R.T. goal is… Two practical steps I can take to achieve this goal are…
I want to get at least an 80% in most if not all my classes

I will know when i’ve achieved my goals when i start getting better marks in school

My goal is important to me because i need to get good grades if i want to get into a good university and a good job

I want to do this by the end of the school year

  • Note upcoming homework, projects or tests in agenda
  • Take 10-20 mins a day to prepare and study for quizzes or projects
I want to learn at least 10 words and 3 new sentences in french and hebrew

I will know i’ve reached my goal when i can speak and understand more french words 

This goal is important to me because i need to know french to get a lot of jobs in ottawa and i should learn hebrew because as a jew it is important i should know the language of my religion.

I want to do this by the end of the semester

  • Use duolingo and blooket and other study games
  •  Practice using french in my daily life
I want to learn 3 new piano pieces

I will know i’ve reached my goal when i can easily play 3 new piano pieces 

This goal is important to me because i want to learn piano and it’s really important to me

I want to do this by the end of the year

  • Practice piano everyday for a least 10-15 minutes 
  • Take piano lessons every week
I want to be more organized with my things

I will know I’ve reached my goal when my desk and room are clean and I have no difficulty cleaning them. This goal is important to me because i’ve always been a disorganized person and i have difficulty organizing my stuff

I would like to reach this goal by the end of the school year 

  • Clean my room and desk often
  •  Spend less time messing around and spend more time being organized


Thank you for reading!